MASTER CLASS in mask, puppet & object theatre using the ©In-Balance Method created by Mariana Araoz

Theatre In-Balance (formerly TMR)

– available at selected times of the year or on demand, also in Sweden.
In English/ also available in Spanish/French

The ©In-Balance Method designed and created by Mariana Araoz, is a method Mariana implements throughout her work as theatre-maker, actor, writer, director and drama pedagogue. Taught by Mariana at National Drama Schools all over the world. The master class is open to performers, dancers, actors, musicians, performing artists, circus artists and theatre-makers – even beginners.

A master class on the In-Balance Method designed and created by Mariana Araoz, uses mask, movement and object theatre. It is open to performers, dancers, actors, musicians, performing artists, circus artists and theatre-makers, even beginners. It is available in Sweden at selected times of the year or on demand, also internationally and also can be tailor-made to suit the participants. It can be streamlined for example for specifically circus artists or dancers or the elderly or for corporate team-building, for medical staff or for young people ect.

The class is led by Mariana Araoz, professor of mask at Teaterhögskolan Malmö, Artistic Director of TMR Theatre In-Balance in Sweden and Artistic Director of Maison de l’Equilibre du Genre and Collectif Masque Paris.

The ©In-Balance Method is a method Mariana implements throughout her work as theatre-maker, actor, writer, director and drama pedagogue; currently taught by Mariana in drama schools all over the world, based on her 30 plus years of drama and teaching experience.

Mariana specializes in gender balance, puppetry and mask, as well as object theatre. With her two theatre companies in Sweden and France, she produces and directs plays, movies, conferences and workshops using Mask and Puppets techniques, creating a unique, gender-fluid, peace and equality-based theatre form. It combines elements of mask, puppetry and dance with actors, text and object theatre.

The focal points of the ©In-Balance Method are:

-Transmission of knowledge on stage
-Service on stage
-Balance of power onstage and offstage

The In-Balance Method is thus aimed at finding balance within the theatre space, the stage, the performers, the group and the audience. At its core, this method invokes an equal amount of power distribution. The story and its leading characters are brought to life by the ‘servants of the stage’, through mask and puppet configurations.

Mariana Araoz has created this storytelling form and named it:
The 3-hour master class will cover:
– the In-Balance Method
– Flying Birds storytelling
– the birth of a mask character

For attendees, during the class please:
– be prepared to move physically around in the room
– wear comfortable clothes you can move in, all black
– bring your own water bottle.

Space is limited so book to reserve a place in the class.

Koppling till läroplanen

The workshop is of especial interest to students of drama, psychology, dance, music, theatre studies, acting, circus & gymnastics. The class can be held in English, French or Spanish so it is also related to foreign-language studies.

Medverkande på och bakom scen:


Mariana Araoz (med assisterande)


Föreställningens längd: Det beror på. Oftast 3 timmar.

Max 15

Målgrupp: vuxna, 15 år uppåt
Teatern utgår från region: Södra
Teatern turnerar till region: Södra, Turnerar Norra, Turnerar Östra, Turnerar Södra, Turnerar Västra
Krav på mörkläggning: Nej
El: Nothing particular
Scenyta: Bredd 6 meter, djup 4 meter, takhöjd 2.5 meter
Bärhjälp: No


Cost: 1500 SEK per hour. The workshop can be adjusted to suit the needs of participants. From a 1 hour introduction to the more usual 3-hour class. Or a full day or full week specialisation for theatre professionals – dancers, musicians, theatre-makers, actors, circus/performing artists ect. Or in collaboration with a school, it can be developed as a regular workshop or developed into working more specifically with object theatre, puppetry and mask. Contact us.


For workshops held outside southern Skåne (outside Malmö/Lund/Skillinge areas) there is a small fee for travel/accomodation

Övrig information:

Mariana Araoz runs two theatre companies, one in Sweden, one in France. She specializes in gender balance, puppetry and mask, as well as object theatre. She creates performances that combine on stage all these elements with actors, text, voice, movement, dance, performing/circus artists – to produce her unique, gender-fluid, peace-art, pro-ecology-based theatre style. Mariana is also professor of mask at Teaterhögskolan Malmö, Artistic Director of Theatre In-Balance (formerly TMR) (est. 2025) in Sweden; Artistic Director of theatre company Maison de l’Equilibre du Genre and Collectif Masque (est. 2006) in Paris. Mariana divides her time therefore between France and Sweden and is today considered one of the greatest experts in her field, with over 30 years of experience in theatre, directing, mask & puppetry, pedagogy. Araoz, of Argentinian-Venezuelan-French origin is also a trained biologist. She has spent 15 years dedicated to the study of Gender and Ecology within the field of theatre and community social work. As a director she has worked repeatedly in Sweden, France and the United States, was nominated for the Thalia Prize for her staging of Chekhov’s “The Seagull” at Skillinge Teater, winner of the ”Avignon-Off” prize in 2017 for the play ”Dissection of a snowfall” in its French version. The Paris Panthéon and UNESCO have selected her latest creation “Mission In-Visible” in France for showcasing. As a pedagogue, Mariana teaches not only at Teaterhögskolan in Sweden but at Ecole de Jeu in Paris since 2009, the Conservatoire National Superieure d’Art Dramatique (Paris), Columbia University (New York), Carlton College (Northfield), The Institute Boris Schoukin (Moscow), The National Theater Institute (Hong Kong).St. Olaf College in Minneapolis (2002- 2012), this Autumn 2024 at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Norway. In Sweden you may have seen Mariana’s directing work at Skillinge Teater, Lady MacBeth, a Theatre In-Balance production which sold out in 2022, or in 2024, her choreography for movement and ensemble for Skillinge Teater’s summer season stage production Amadeus.


Namn: Mariana Araoz
Telefon: 0046 70 6001850 / 0046 73 9814963

Extra material

This video about Mariana’s teaching and the In-Balance Method is in French